Category: DevOps

‘*** Execution Timeout Expired’ with SqlPackage.exe on Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Fix

‘*** Execution Timeout Expired’ with SqlPackage.exe on Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Fix

A while ago I was having an issue deploying a SQL Data Tools project using the Azure DevOps pipelines. It worked fine when there was no data in the database, but once there was some data to preserve in the release the DACPAC deployment started to timeout with the following error when running SqlPackage.

Continue reading “‘*** Execution Timeout Expired’ with SqlPackage.exe on Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Fix”

Resource Tag management in Microsoft Azure

Adding tags to resources in Azure is generally a good idea. This helps administrators manage billing, knowing what things are and when they can be safely decommissioned etc..

I have includes here some guidance and useful scripts for adding tags and managing tags on resources and resource groups.

Continue reading “Resource Tag management in Microsoft Azure”

Creating developer certificates and starting Angular 4 for SSL on Windows

If you’re a developer on Windows or a.Net developer getting to grips with Angular the steps outlined will create the various certificates and get local Angular 4 running under SSL.

The main steps are as follows and you will need to have installed makecert.exe and openSSL. For us Windows users the easiest way to get OpenSSL is to use one of the binaries installer listed here Continue reading “Creating developer certificates and starting Angular 4 for SSL on Windows”

Xamarin – Mac Agent can’t connect fix – ‘xcode license must be accepted…’

Here’s what to do if you get the “Xcode license must be accepted in order to be connected and working against a Mac”.

Continue reading “Xamarin – Mac Agent can’t connect fix – ‘xcode license must be accepted…’”

Azure Active Directory – How to give a Registered Application an AD Directory Administrative Role

By default a ‘Registered Application’ account is not a member of any Directory Roles and/or group memberships and there is no easy way to make these changes using the portal. You may have an API or back-end application that will be required to perform actions on your AD that requires elevated permissions (e.g. Reset passwords or delete accounts etc..)

Normally for advanced configuration, you will need to start editing the manifest file. Luckily this has been made easy using the Portal. You can now edit the file directly, or download, make changes and then upload.

However, to make a ‘Registered Application’ a member of a ‘Directory Administrative Role’ you need to use PowerShell to add the role member to the ‘Service Principal’ (as I couldn’t find a way to do this in the manifest!).

Continue reading “Azure Active Directory – How to give a Registered Application an AD Directory Administrative Role”

Let’s Encrypt Extension for Azure App Services

Let’s Encrypt Extension for Azure App Services

Thanks to Simon J.K. Pedersen ( there is now a reasonably easy way to get auto-updating “Let’s Encrypt” SSL certificates in you Azure App Services using the “Azure Let’s Encrypt” Extension (

There are some very comprehensive install and setup steps here

Continue reading “Let’s Encrypt Extension for Azure App Services”