Xamarin – Mac Agent can’t connect fix – ‘xcode license must be accepted…’

Here’s what to do if you get the “Xcode license must be accepted in order to be connected and working against a Mac”.

  1. Install and start Xcode on the Mac
  2. If prompted to accept the Xcode license…accept it.

If you find that you still can’t connect with the same message then you need to performs the following:

  1. Open Xcode > Preferences > Location
  2. Set the ‘Command Line Tools:’ to the latest Xcode version
  3. Open a Terminal window
  4. Type sudo xcodebuild -license
  5. Follow the instruction (press space bar till you get to the end, then type ‘agree’ and enter.
  6. Try to  reconnect the Mac Agent

For general help on Mac Agent connection issues see https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/getting_started/installation/windows/connecting-to-mac/troubleshooting/

Thanks to Edmund Gorski for the command line license accepting work around.



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