Below is a list of useful tools and links. If you have any suggestions to include anything please send me a comment. Thanks.
General Dev
- FreeFormatter – An excellent free developer resource for dealing with strings of all sorts include escaping, un-escaping, xml validation, etc..
- Online Regulator Expression Editor – Great Regex resource for checking and learning regex expressions
- – Maybe an even better free Regex editor with handy helpers.
- – Help choosing an Open Source License
- Visual Studio Shortcut Keys – A full list of shortcut keys
- Icon Slayer – Very useful online tool for creating icons for all kinds of apps
- – Particularly useful online Markdown editor
- mermaid = UML diagram documentation framework for the web. Uses a type of Markdown-like script language
- Web Sequence Diagrams – Great tool for fast collaborative sequence diagrams
- – apigee Open API Spec generator
- – swagger API spec generator (but for some reason does not include the response!)
- – Swagger editor and 2 to 3 converter
- HTTP response status codes – HTTP | MDN ( – Good documentation on HTTP Response Codes
Azure Links
- Azure Architecture Center – Loads of really good stuff for architects
- Azure Solution Architectures – examples
- Azure Downloads – The main downloads page for Azure related stuff
- Azure and cloud symbol set – Excellent set of images and icons. Visio stencil, PowerPoint, PNG and SVG
- Azure Pricing Calculator – Key to creating you estimates
Visual Studio Online Links
- Hosted Build Agents Installed Software – List of supported loaded software
Database Developer Links
- SQL Database Modeller – best modelling app and can handle really large schemas
- Azure Data Studio – a Good lightweight SQL Dev Tool based on VS Code
HTML, CSS + JavaScript Links
- jsPerf – online JavaScript Performance Testing
- – online HTML + JavaScript sandbox
- – Great free site for clearing, sorting and tidying up html, css and JavaScript
- Edge Test Drive sites and demos – useful test and functionality does and code bases for Edge
JavaScript and React Libraries
- leaflet.js – Leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
Visual Studio Extensions I use and recommend
Visual Studio
- ReSharper
- GitHub Copilot
- GitHub Copilot Chat
- Entity Framework Reverse POCO Generator
- GhostDoc Community
- SpecFlow
- Glyphfriend
- Unit Test Boilerplate Generator
- Tangible T4 Editor
- Open command line
- PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio 2015
- SideWaffle Template Pack
- Dummy Text Generator
Visual Studio Code Extensions I use and recommend
Great answer to how to export your extensions list from code…and even write the install code can be found here
- alefragnani.numbered-bookmarks
- AzureADB2CTools.aadb2c
- azuredevspaces.azds
- azuresdkteam.azurenodeessentials
- bradygaster.azuretoolsforvscode
- hristian-kohler.npm-intellisense
- christian-kohler.path-intellisense
- codezombiech.gitignore
- CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2
- dbaeumer.jshint
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- eamodio.gitlens
- eg2.vscode-npm-script
- eriklynd.json-tools
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
- formulahendry.code-runner
- GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github
- hashicorp.terraform
- hnw.vscode-auto-open-markdown-preview
- HookyQR.beautify
- joshwong.vscode-jmespath
- mechatroner.rainbow-csv
- mhutchie.git-graph
- mindaro-dev.file-downloader
- mindaro.mindaro
- ms-azuretools.vscode-apimanagement
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azureappservice
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azureeventgrid
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azurefunctions
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azureresourcegroups
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azureserverlesspack
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azurestaticwebapps
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azurestorage
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azureterraform
- ms-azuretools.vscode-azurevirtualmachines
- ms-azuretools.vscode-cosmosdb
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- ms-azuretools.vscode-logicapps
- ms-dotnettools.csharp
- ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-runtime
- ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-aks-tools
- ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
- ms-mssql.mssql
- ms-python.anaconda-extension-pack
- ms-python.python
- ms-toolsai.vscode-ai
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl
- ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack
- ms-vscode.azurecli
- ms-vscode.js-debug-nightly
- ms-vscode.powershell
- ms-vscode.typescript-javascript-grammar
- ms-vscode.vscode-azureextensionpack
- ms-vscode.vscode-node-azure-pack
- ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin
- msazurermtools.azurerm-vscode-tools
- msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
- msjsdiag.debugger-for-edge
- octref.vetur
- redhat.vscode-yaml
- ritwickdey.LiveServer
- samcogan.arm-snippets
- samverschueren.yo
- saurabh.terminal-manager
- sdras.night-owl
- sdras.vue-vscode-extensionpack
- sdras.vue-vscode-snippets
- tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle
- usqlextpublisher.usql-vscode-ext
- VisualStudioOnlineApplicationInsights.application-insights
- vsciot-vscode.vscode-iot-device-cube
- vsciot-vscode.vscode-iot-workbench
- vscoss.vscode-ansible
- waderyan.nodejs-extension-pack
- wmaurer.vscode-jumpy
- xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets
Azure DevOps
- Estimation Poker
- Pulumi Azure Pipelines Task
- Analytics
- Build Quality Checks
- Color picklist control
- Mend Bolt (formerly WhiteSource)
- Split
- OWASP Dependency Checker
- AzSK
- Replace Tokens
- Multivalue Control
Windows Phone 8 Links
- Microsoft Phone Dev Center – Submit apps for Windows Phone. Also has links to resources.
- Windows 8.1 Dev Hub– Submit apps for Windows 8.1. Also has links to resources.
Game Development Links
- Autodesk free FBX converter – facilitates higher-fidelity data exchange between 3ds Max, Maya, MotionBuilder, Mudbox and other propriety and third-party software
- CG Textures – Great textures library
- TurboSquid – Extensive 3D model library
- GCTalk Training Workshops – get help creating computer graphics
General Training Links
- Channel 9 – Excellent training videos, Microsoft focused.
- – can’t recommend this site enough. I spend a lot of time training here! Huge range of subjects.
- Microsoft Virtual Academy – Great free training on Microsoft and open technologies
Mapping and GIS Stuff
- – Some useful Postcode, mapping and geocoding utils
- NeoLoad – Service based load testing
- Silk Performer – Test management service
- Load Runner – Market leading performance testing
- BlazeMeter – Continuous Testing Platform
Hi Nick,
For a total beginner with a lack of knowledge of cloud computing and programming, which course would you recommend me to take first out of 70-532. 70-533 and 70-534.
I want to learn Azure so I can have a change in career. I am comfortable in building computers and fixing software and hardware problems but programming and cloud computing is new to me.
Thanks in advance.