Ever had a PowerShell session when you are far down the folder path, and the prompt is so long it gets hard to see what commands and response you have…like this…
If only you could change the prompt to be a lot shorter…well, you can easily \o/
The PowerShell prompt is determined by the built-in Prompt function. You can customize the prompt by creating your own Prompt function and saving it in your PowerShell profile.
This sounds complicated, but the Prompt function is not protected, so to change the prompt for the current session only, just execute the function code as shown below, or with your own custom version and voila!
To make your custom prompt more permanent you need to save this to your PowerShell Profile. This means saving the function to the Power_profile.ps1 file in the appropriate location. Depending on the scope there are several locations, but I’m staying simple and changing mine for just me on my machine! 😉
Locations for Current user, Current Host are:
Windows – $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Linux – ~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.Powershell_profile.ps1
Sometimes you just want to enable diagnostics on everything* (* = eligiable resource types) in a Resource Group and to point to the same Log Analytics workspace.
Here is a PowerShell script that allows you to do this. See the Examples for details on what you can do.
The Log Analytics and Storage accounts do need to be in the same subscription.
.GUID 4859bbd0-103e-4089-a6a1-35af0f9c5e63
.AUTHOR Nicholas Rogoff
Initial version. Could do with more error handling
Script to enable diagnostics on all* resources (* = eligible resource types)
Iterates through all eligible resources and enables diagnostics on all them.
Diagnostic data is sent to Log analytics workspace and storage account if set.
Version: 1.0
Author: Nicholas Rogoff
Creation Date: 2020-10-28
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
The resource group to scan for resources that can have diagnostics enabled
The Log Analytics workspace to forward logs too
.PARAMETER StorageAccName
[Optional] If this is given then diagnostics will be set to ship the logs for longer term archiving to the chosen storage account.
The storage account MUST be in the same region as the resource.
.PARAMETER ResourceTypes
[Optional] An array of resource types
(see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure-services-resource-providers)
to enable diagnostcs on. If not passed a default set is used as follows:
"Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts", "Microsoft.Logic/workflows", "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/workspaces", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationgroups",
"Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines","Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks","Microsoft.Web/serverFarms"
.\EnableDiagnostics.ps1 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -LogAnalyticsWS $LogAnalyticsWS -StorageAccName $StorageAccName
Enables Diagnostics on eveything in a resource group it can and includes shipping logs to storage account
.\EnableDiagnostics.ps1 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -LogAnalyticsWS $LogAnalyticsWS
Enables Diagnostics on eveything in a resource group it can to the chosen LogAnalytics Workspace Only
$ResourceTypes = @('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines','Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks')
.\EnableDiagnostics.ps1 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -LogAnalyticsWS $LogAnalyticsWS -ResourceTypes $ResourceTypes
Enables Diagnostics on eveything in a resource group it can to the chosen LogAnalytics Workspace and for Resource Type of VMs
and Virtual Networks only
#---------------------------------------------------------[Script Parameters]------------------------------------------------------
Param (
#Script parameters go here
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ResourceGroupName,
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[string] $LogAnalyticsWS,
[Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
[string] $StorageAccName,
[Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
[string[]] $ResourceTypes = @("Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts", "Microsoft.Logic/workflows", "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/workspaces", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationgroups", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools","Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines","Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks","Microsoft.Web/sites","Microsoft.Web/serverFarms")
#Set Error Action to Silently Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
#Variable to hold Passed and failed resources
$Passed = "Successfully Enabled On : "
$Failed = "Failed On : "
#Any Global Declarations go here
# Function to check if the module is imported
function EnableDiagnostics {
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
Write-Debug ("Script EnableDiagnostics function execution started...")
#Variables to hold log analytics resource id's
$LogAnlyResId = Get-AzResource -Name $LogAnalyticsWS | Select-Object ResourceId
#Iterate over all configured resource types
foreach ($resType in $ResourceTypes) {
#Variable to hold Resource list for each resource type
$resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType $resType | Select-Object Name, ResourceId, Location
#Enable Diagnostics for each resource in resource list
foreach ($resource in $resources) {
#Command to enable diagnostics
$DiagName = $resource.Name + "-Diagnostics"
$resName = $resource.Name
Write-Output "=== Setting diagnostics on $resName"
$StrAccResId = Get-AzResource -Name $StorageAccName | Select-Object ResourceId
Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -Name $DiagName `
-ResourceId $resource.ResourceId `
-Enabled $True `
-StorageAccountId $StrAccResId.ResourceId `
-WorkspaceId $LogAnlyResId.ResourceId
} else {
Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -Name $DiagName `
-ResourceId $resource.ResourceId `
-Enabled $True `
-WorkspaceId $LogAnlyResId.ResourceId
#Log Error and success
if (!$Error[0]) {
Write-Output ("--- Diagnostics Successfully enabled on :" + $resource.Name)
$Passed = $Passed + $resource.Name + " , "
else {
Write-Error ("!!! Error Occurred on :" + $resource.Name + "Error Message :" + $Error[0])
$Failed = $Failed + $resource.Name + " , "
Write-Output ("Finished for Resource Group :" + $ResourceGroupName)
If ($?) {
Write-Output "Script executed successfully."
Write-Output("Diagnostics Script Run Results ")
Write-Output("======================================== ")
Write-Output("======================================== ")
# Script Execution goes here
# Execute Function
EnableDiagnostics $ResourceGroupName $LogAnalyticsWS $StorageAccName
} else {
EnableDiagnostics $ResourceGroupName $LogAnalyticsWS
When working across multiple environments, with restricted access, it can by difficult tracking which Key Vault secrets have been configured and which still need values set.
On my projects I like to give the dev teams autonomy on the dev environments setting their own Key Vault Keys and Secrets (following an agreed convention).
The following script can be run to output all the Key Vault secrets, or only show the ones that need configuration. It can also be set to output pure markdown like…
that can be copy and pasted into the Azure or Github Wiki too and displays like the table below when rendered.
hms-sapp-kv-qa-ne (2021-07-03 14:31:04.590)
Secret Name
Needs Configuration
Needs Configuration
Needs Configuration
The script will output ‘Needs Configuration’ for any Secret values that are either blank, contain ‘Needs Configuration’ or ‘TBC’.
Script below, aslo contains examples:
.GUName 48b4b27a-b77e-41e6-8a37-b3767da5caee
.AUTHOR Nicholas Rogoff
Initial version.
Copy Key Vault Secrets from one Vault to another. If the secret name exists it will NOT overwrite the value.
Loops through all secrets and copies them or fills them with a 'Needs Configuration'.
Will not copy secrets of ContentType application/x-pkcs12
Run 'Import-Module Az.Accounts'
Run 'Import-Module Az.KeyVault'
You need to be logged into Azure and have the access necessary rights to both Key Vaults.
None. You cannot pipe objects to this!
.PARAMETER SrcSubscriptionName
This is the Source Subscription Name
The name of the Source Key Vault
.PARAMETER MarkdownOnly
Output Markdown Only
Set to only copy across the secret name and NOT the actual secret. The secret will be populated with 'Needs Configuration'
Version: 1.1
Author: Nicholas Rogoff
Creation Date: 2021-08-09
Purpose/Change: Refined for publication
PS> .\List-UnSet-KeyVault-Secrets.ps1 -SrcSubscriptionName $srcSubscriptionName -SrcKvName $srcKvName
This will list the secrets keys in the specified key vault and diplay 'Needs Configuration' for those that are blank, contain 'Needs Configuration' or 'TBC'
PS> .\List-UnSet-KeyVault-Secrets.ps1 -SrcSubscriptionName $srcSubscriptionName -SrcKvName $srcKvName -MarkdownOnly
Use for updating the Wiki. This will list the secrets keys, as MarkDown ONLY, in the specified key vault and diplay 'Needs Configuration' for those that are blank, contain 'Needs Configuration' or 'TBC'
PS> .\List-UnSet-KeyVault-Secrets.ps1 -SrcSubscriptionName $srcSubscriptionName -SrcKvName $srcKvName -ShowSecrets
This will list the secrets keys in the specified key vault and show the secrets
#---------------------------------------------------------[Script Parameters]------------------------------------------------------
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "This is the Source Subscription Name")]
[string] $SrcSubscriptionName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The name of the Source Key Vault")]
[string] $SrcKvName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Output Markdown Only")]
[switch] $MarkdownOnly,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Output the secrets set")]
[switch] $ShowSecrets
# Set Error Action to Silently Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
# Set Warnings Action to Silently Continue
$WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Any Global Declarations go here
$SecretsFound = @()
# Inline If Function
Function IIf($If, $Right, $Wrong) { If ($If) { $Right } Else { $Wrong } }
$checked = 0
$failed = 0
if (!$MarkdownOnly) {
Write-Host "======================================================"
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Starting to check secrets in " + $SrcKvName + "... ") -ForegroundColor Blue
Write-Host "======================================================"
else {
Write-Host ("# " + $SrcKvName + " (" + $(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + ")") -ForegroundColor Blue
Write-Host ""
$sourceSecrets = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $SrcKvName | Where-Object { $_.ContentType -notmatch "application/x-pkcs12" }
if (!$MarkdownOnly) {
# Headers
Write-Host -NoNewline "|".PadRight(60, "-")
Write-Host -NoNewline "|".PadRight(60, "-")
Write-Host "|"
Write-Host -NoNewline "| Secret Name".PadRight(60)
if (!$ShowSecrets) {
Write-Host -NoNewline "| Needs Configuration".PadRight(60)
else {
Write-Host -NoNewline "| Secret Value".PadRight(60)
Write-Host "|"
Write-Host -NoNewline "|".PadRight(60, "-")
Write-Host -NoNewline "|".PadRight(60, "-")
Write-Host "|"
ForEach ($sourceSecret in $sourceSecrets) {
$name = $sourceSecret.Name
$plainTxtSecret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $srckvName -Name $name -AsPlainText
if ($plainTxtSecret -eq "Needs Configuration" -or $plainTxtSecret -eq "TBC" -or !$plainTxtSecret) {
$secretToShow = $plainTxtSecret
elseif ($ShowSecrets) {
$secretToShow = $plainTxtSecret
else {
$secretToShow = "******"
Write-Host -NoNewline "| $name".PadRight(60)
if ($secretToShow -eq "Needs Configuration" -or $plainTxtSecret -eq "TBC" -or !$plainTxtSecret) {
Write-Host -NoNewline "| $secretToShow".PadRight(60) -ForegroundColor Magenta
else {
Write-Host -NoNewline "| $secretToShow".PadRight(60) -ForegroundColor DarkGray
Write-Host "|"
if (!$Error[0]) {
$checked += 1
else {
$failed += 1
Write-Error "!! Failed to get secret $name"
if (!$MarkdownOnly) {
Write-Host -NoNewline "|".PadRight(60, "-")
Write-Host -NoNewline "|".PadRight(60, "-")
Write-Host "|"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "================================="
Write-Host "Completed Key Vault Secrets Copy"
Write-Host "Checked: $checked"
Write-Host "Failed: $failed"
Write-Host "================================="
else {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ("**Total Secrets Listed: " + $checked + "**")
if ($failed -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Failed: $failed" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
.GUName 48b4b27a-b77e-41e6-8a37-b3767da5caee
.AUTHOR Nicholas Rogoff
Initial version.
Copy Key Vault Secrets from one Vault to another.
Loops through all secrets and copies them or fills them with a 'Needs Configuration'.
Run 'Import-Module Az.Accounts'
Run 'Import-Module Az.KeyVault'
You need to be logged into Azure and have the access necessary rights to both Key Vaults.
None. You cannot pipe objects to this!
.PARAMETER SrcSubscriptionName
This is the Source Subscription Name
The name of the Source Key Vault
.PARAMETER DestSubscriptionName
This is the destination Subscription Name
The name of the destination Key Vault
Set to only copy across the secret name and NOT the actual secret. The secret will be populated with 'Needs Configuration'
Version: 1.1
Author: Nicholas Rogoff
Creation Date: 2021-08-09
Purpose/Change: Refined for publication
PS> .\Copy-KeyVault-Secrets.ps1 -SrcSubscriptionName $srcSubscriptionName -SrcKvName $srcKvName -DestSubscriptionName $destSubscriptionName -DestKvName $destKvName -NameOnly
This will copy across only the secret names, filling the secret with 'Needs Configuration'
#---------------------------------------------------------[Script Parameters]------------------------------------------------------
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "This is the Source Subscription Name")]
[string] $SrcSubscriptionName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The name of the Source Key Vault")]
[string] $SrcKvName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "This is the destination Subscription Name. If not set or blank then same subscription is assumed")]
[string] $DestSubscriptionName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The name of the destination Key Vault")]
[string] $DestKvName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Only copy across the secret name and NOT the actual secret. The secret will be populated with 'Needs Configuration'")]
[switch] $NameOnly
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Starting copying from " + $SrcKvName + " to " + $DestKvName + "... ") -ForegroundColor Blue
# Set Error Action to Silently Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
# Any Global Declarations go here
$success = 0
$failed = 0
# ensure source subscription is selected
Select-AzSubscription -Subscription $SrcSubscriptionName
$Tags = @{ 'Migrated' = 'true'; 'Source Key Vault' = $SrcKvName }
$sourceSecrets = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $SrcKvName
if ($DestSubscriptionName) {
#Need to switch subscriptions
Select-AzSubscription -Subscription $DestSubscriptionName
ForEach ($sourceSecret in $sourceSecrets) {
$name = $sourceSecret.Name
$tags = $sourceSecret.Tags
$secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $srckvName -Name $name
Write-Host "Adding SecretName: $name ..."
if ($NameOnly) {
$value = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Needs Configuration' -AsPlainText -Force
else {
$value = $secret.SecretValue
$secret = Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $destkvName -Name $sourceSecret.Name -SecretValue $value -ContentType $sourceSecret.ContentType -Tags $tags
if (!$Error[0]) {
$success += 1
else {
$failed += 1
Write-Error "!! Failed to copy secret $name"
Write-Output "================================="
Write-Output "Completed Key Vault Secrets Copy"
Write-Output "Succeeded: $success"
Write-Output "Failed: $failed"
Write-Output "================================="
You can add a Group (only some types of AD or Microsoft 365 Groups) to a Team, but this will only add the members in a one time action. It will not maintain the membership in sync.
It gets complicated, but you can make a Team from a Microsoft (Office) 365 Group and have it’s membership dynamic, linked to an AD group (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/dynamic-memberships ), but if you group is large (over 10,000) this can still also run into problems and the group can’t have additional members not part of that group (outsiders!).
I had a client that required a Team to include the membership of an Group that contained over 4,000 members. They also did NOT want members that had made the effort to join the Team, but were not members of the Microsoft 365 group to be removed.
The whole organization was much larger, so much so that they were not able to even create an ‘Org-wide Team’ which allows you to include everyone automatically in a Team up to 5,000 ( see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/create-an-org-wide-team ). We had lots of fun and games with the limits of teams, but came to the following solution.
To get over these hurdles, in the end it was easier to use a PowerShell script and schedule the synching of the members. The following script can be used to add missing members of a Microsoft 365 AD group to a Teams membership. You can also choose whether you want to remove users that are no longer a member of the AD group or just leave them be 😉
Save the script below as Sync-Team-Members-With-AD-Group.ps1 and run the following, replacing the variables as appropriate
$ADGroupId = "67h3rc03e286-FAKE-ID HERE-8d1c-7b176431"
$TeamDisplayName = "My Big Team"
.\Sync-Team-Members-With-AD-Group.ps1 -ADGroupId $ADGroupId -TeamDisplayName $TeamDisplayName -Credential $Credential -RemoveInvalidTeamMembers $false -Verbose
from a PowerShell terminal. You will need to get the ObjectId of the Azure AD Group and an administrator should be able to help you if you don’t know it.
See the comments in the script for more options, such as limiting the number of users to process etc..
.GUID 21a6ad93-df53-4a1a-82fd-4a902cb57350
.AUTHOR Nicholas Rogoff
Initial version.
Synchronizes Team membership with an Azure AD Group.
Loops through all members of an AD group and adds any missing users to the membership.
The script then loops through all the existing Team members and removes any that are no longer in the AD Group.
NOTE: This script will NOT remove Owners.
Install Teams Module (MS Online)
PS> Install-Module -Name MSOnline
Install Microsoft Teams cmdlets module
PS> Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams
None. You cannot pipe objects to this!
This is the Object Id of the Active Directory group you wish to populate the Team with
.PARAMETER TeamDisplayName
The display name of the Team who's membership you wish to alter
.PARAMETER Credential
The credentials (PSCredential object) for an Owner of the Team. Use '$Credential = Get-Credential' to prompt and store the credentials to securely pass
Max number of AD Group Users to process. This can be used to test a small batch. Set to 0 to process all members of the AD group
.PARAMETER RemoveInvalidTeamMembers
Default = False. All members of the Team that have are not part of the AD Group will remain members of the Team. E.g. Add-only.
If you do want sync the membership of the Team exactly, e.g. to remove any Team Members that are not part of the AD group, then set this to True
Version: 1.1
Author: Nicholas Rogoff
Creation Date: 2020-10-08
Purpose/Change: Added more detailed help
PS> .\Sync-Team-Members-With-AD-Group.ps1 -ADGroupId "4b3f7f45-e8e3-47af-aa82-ecaf41f5e78d" -TeamDisplayName "My Team" -Credential $Credential
This will add all missing members of the AD Group to the Team
PS> .\Sync-Team-Members-With-AD-Group.ps1 -ADGroupId "4b3f7f45-e8e3-47af-aa82-ecaf41f5e78d" -TeamDisplayName "My Team" -Credential $Credential -MaxUsers 10 -Verbose
This will add all missing members of the first 10 members AD Group to the Team and will output verbose details
PS> .\Sync-Team-Members-With-AD-Group.ps1 -ADGroupId "4b3f7f45-e8e3-47af-aa82-ecaf41f5e78d" -TeamDisplayName "My Team" -Credential $Credential -RemoveInvalidTeamMembers
This will add all missing members of the AD Group to the Team, and REMOVE any members of the Team that are not in the AD Group (Except for Team Owners)
#---------------------------------------------------------[Script Parameters]------------------------------------------------------
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "This is the Object Id of the Azure Active Directory group you wish to populate the Team with")]
[string] $ADGroupId,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The display name of the Team")]
[string] $TeamDisplayName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The credentials for an Owner of the Team")]
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Max number of AD Group Users to process")]
[int] $MaxUsers = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Default = False. If you do want to remove any Team Members that are not part of the AD group, then set this to True")]
[bool] $RemoveInvalidTeamMembers = $false
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Starting synchonisation") -ForegroundColor Blue
# Set Error Action to Silently Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
# Signin to Office 365 stuff
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $Credential
Connect-MsolService -Credential $Credential
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name MSOnline) {
Write-Host "MSOnline Module exists"
else {
throw "MSOnline Module does not exist. You can install it by using 'Install-Module -Name MSOnline'"
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name MicrosoftTeams) {
Write-Host "MicrosoftTeams Module exists"
else {
throw "MicrosoftTeams Module does not exist. You can install it by using 'Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams'"
function Add-MissingTeamMembers {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "This is the Team to add the users to")]
[Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Custom.Model.TeamSettings] $team,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "This is the AD Group membership from which to add missing members")]
[Microsoft.Online.Administration.GroupMember[]] $ADGroupMembers
$TeamMembersAdded = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
#Add missing members
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Checking membership of Team: " + $team.DisplayName + " ( " + $team.GroupId + " ) ") -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Against AD Group: " + $ADGroup.DisplayName + " ( " + $ADGroup.ObjectId + " ) ") -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ("--------------------------------------------------------")
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Team Membership Total: " + $ExistingTeamMembers.count) -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " AD Group Membership Total: " + $ADGroupMembers.count) -ForegroundColor Yellow
foreach ($groupMember in $ADGroupMembers) {
#Check if exists in Teams already
if ((($ExistingTeamMembers | Select-Object User) -Match $groupMember.EmailAddress).Count -eq 0 ) {
#Add missing member
Add-TeamUser -GroupId $team.GroupId -User $groupMember.EmailAddress
Write-Verbose ("+ Added: " + $groupMember.EmailAddress)
else {
Write-Verbose ("| Existed: " + $groupMember.EmailAddress)
Write-Host ("=====================")
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " " + $TeamMembersAdded.count + " new members added") -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ("")
function Remove-MissingADUsers {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "This is the list of existing Team users you want to search. The full type should be Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Custom.GetTeamUser+GetTeamUserResponse")]
[object] $ExistingTeamMembers,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "This is the AD Group membership from which to check against for invalid team members")]
[Microsoft.Online.Administration.GroupMember[]] $ADGroupMembers
$TeamMembersRemoved = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
# Now check for existing Team members that are no longer AD Group members
foreach ($teamMember in $ExistingTeamMembers) {
#Check if exists in Teams already
if (((($ADGroupMembers | Select-Object EmailAddress) -Match $teamMember.User).Count -eq 0) -and ($teamMember.Role -notmatch "owner") ) {
#Remove from team
Remove-TeamUser -GroupId $team.GroupId -User $teamMember.User
Write-Verbose (" - Removed: " + $teamMember.User)
else {
Write-Verbose (" | Not removed: " + $teamMember.User)
Write-Host ("---------------------")
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " " + $TeamMembersRemoved.Count + " Team members removed") -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Get Team
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Getting the Team..." + $TeamDisplayName) -ForegroundColor Blue
$team = Get-Team -DisplayName $TeamDisplayName
# Get AD / Outlook Group Members
$ADGroup = Get-MsolGroup -ObjectId $ADGroupId
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Getting the AD Group..." + $ADGroup.DisplayName) -ForegroundColor Blue
if ($MaxUsers -gt 0) {
$ADGroupMembers = Get-MsolGroupMember -GroupObjectId $ADGroupId -MaxResults $MaxUsers
else {
$ADGroupMembers = Get-MsolGroupMember -GroupObjectId $ADGroupId -All
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " " + $ADGroupMembers.Count + " ...AD Group Members fetched" ) -ForegroundColor Blue
#Get existing Team members
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " Getting the latest Team members..." + $TeamDisplayName) -ForegroundColor Blue
$ExistingTeamMembers = Get-TeamUser -GroupId $team.GroupId
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') + " " + $ADGroupMembers.Count + " ...Team Members fetched") -ForegroundColor Blue
Add-MissingTeamMembers -team $team -ADGroupMembers $ADGroupMembers
if (($RemoveInvalidTeamMembers) -and ($MaxUsers -eq 0)) {
Remove-MissingADUsers -ExistingTeamMembers $ExistingTeamMembers -ADGroupMembers $ADGroupMembers
Write-Host ("=====================")
Write-Host ("****** Completed ******") -ForegroundColor Blue
Ideally, you should have this script run on a scheduled basis to keep things up to date. I may post a blog later on how to create a robust scheduler solution for your whole organisation to implement Team membership synching.
I have found that the session hosts often end up reporting a status of ‘Needs Assistance’. This can be caused by updates having been applied that require a reboot to complete…and other unknown issues. Often a reboot will sort them out. So I developed a simple script to assist.
The following script will allow you to specifiy the only the VM’s in a Host Pool and only those that ‘Need Assistance’ and that have no active sessions on too….or not!
Save the full script to a file called RebootHosts.ps1
.GUID b053571a-b9f4-445d-ac05-45e184cf6f90
.AUTHOR Nicholas Rogoff
Reboots VMs in a HostPool
This will iterate through the VMs registered to a host pool and reboot them.
Version: 1.0
Author: Nicholas Rogoff
Creation Date: 2020-09-03
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
.\RebootHosts.ps1 -HostPoolName "my-host-pool" -HostPoolResourceGroupName "my-host-pool-rg" -OnlyDoIfNeedsAssistance -SkipIfActiveSessions
#---------------------------------------------------------[Script Parameters]------------------------------------------------------
Param (
#Script parameters go here
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
#Set Error Action to Silently Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
#Any Global Declarations go here
Write-Output "Starting to Enable Boot Diagnostics for VMs in Host Pool $HostPoolName ..."
if ($OnlyDoIfNeedsAttention) {
Write-Output "!! Only hosts flagged as 'Needs Assistance' will be rebooted !!"
if ($SkipIfActiveSessions) {
Write-Output "!! Only hosts with zero sessions will be rebooted !!"
$rebooted = 0
$skippedSessions = 0
$skippedOK = 0
$shutdown = 0
$sessionHosts = Get-AzWvdSessionHost -ResourceGroupName $HostPoolResourceGroupName -HostPoolName $HostPoolName
foreach ($sh in $sessionHosts) {
# Name is in the format 'host-pool-name/vmname.domainfqdn' so need to split the last part
$VMName = $sh.Name.Split("/")[1]
$VMName = $VMName.Split(".")[0]
$Session = $sh.Session
$Status = $sh.Status
$UpdateState = $sh.UpdateState
$UpdateErrorMessage = $sh.UpdateErrorMessage
Write-output "=== Starting Reboot for VM: $VMName"
Write-output "Session: $Session"
Write-output "Status: $Status"
Write-output "UpdateState: $UpdateState"
Write-output "UpdateErrorMessage: $UpdateErrorMessage"
if ($Status -ne "Unavailable") {
if ($Status -ne "NeedsAssistance" -and $OnlyDoIfNeedsAssistance ) {
$skippedOK += 1
Write-output "!! The VM '$VMName' is not in 'Needs Assistance' state, so will NOT be rebooted. !!"
elseif ($SkipIfActiveSessions -and $Session -gt 0) {
$skippeSessions += 1
Write-output "!! The VM '$VMName' has $Session session(s), so will NOT be rebooted. !!"
else {
$rebooted += 1
Restart-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $HostPoolResourceGroupName -Name $VMName
Write-output "=== Reboot initiated for VM: $VMName"
else {
$shutdown += 1
Write-output "!! The VM '$VMName' must be started in order to reboot it. !!"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "============== Completed =========================="
Write-Output "Skipped due Not needing attention: $skippedOK"
Write-Output "Skipped due to active sessions: $skippedSessions"
Write-Output "Host not started: $shutdown"
Write-Output "Rebooted: $rebooted"
Write-Output "==================================================="
You will need to log in to Azure and select your subscription in the normal way using: