If, like me, you have been driving yourself crazy trying to follow the instructions in the Heatmiser neoStat V2 manual page 21 and wondering why you can Power the thing off (which is required for a number of actions)…then it’s because it’s wrong. After contacting support, I found the right way 🙂
Here’s how you do it
- Use the < > buttons to move to the Power Icon
- Press and hold the tick ? for approx. 3 seconds
- You will then see a new set of three options. ‘SETUP’, ‘CLOCK’ and Power Icon.
- Now use the < > buttons to move to the Power button…again
- And now just wait. Do NOT press any buttons. After about 10 secs the light will go off…but continue to wait another 10 or so secs till the ‘SETUP’ and ‘CLOCK’ menu items disappear too.
- Congratulations…now it’s off and you can perform the configuration steps that now start from this position.