If you have not re-deployed your azure cloud service for a while you might just find that your remote access account has expired. Here is a simple way to push out the expiry date without re-deploying.
- Login to the Azure Management Console ( https://manage.windowsazure.com ), navigate to you cloud service and select the configure tab
- Download the configuration and save to a local temp area.
- Open it up in notepad
- Find the setting that looks like
<ns0:Setting name=”Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountExpiration” value=”2013-09-07T23:59:59.0000000+01:00″ /> - Just change the year to sometime in the future e.g. 2016 and save.
- Then from the same configure page in the Azure management console, upload the config file.
- Wait a few minutes while the file is process and voila! you can now log in. Of course you must know the original password and usename you used when you last deployed.