‘*** Execution Timeout Expired’ with SqlPackage.exe on Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Fix

‘*** Execution Timeout Expired’ with SqlPackage.exe on Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Fix

A while ago I was having an issue deploying a SQL Data Tools project using the Azure DevOps pipelines. It worked fine when there was no data in the database, but once there was some data to preserve in the release the DACPAC deployment started to timeout with the following error when running SqlPackage.

Continue reading “‘*** Execution Timeout Expired’ with SqlPackage.exe on Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Fix”

Resource Tag management in Microsoft Azure

Adding tags to resources in Azure is generally a good idea. This helps administrators manage billing, knowing what things are and when they can be safely decommissioned etc..

I have includes here some guidance and useful scripts for adding tags and managing tags on resources and resource groups.

Continue reading “Resource Tag management in Microsoft Azure”

How to get Azure Data Factory connecting to your data on a VNet (or internal network)

Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a great tool as part of your cloud based ETL tool set. However not all your data is necessarily accessible from the public internet. These instruction go through the steps required to allow ADF access to your internal or VNet data-sets.

Continue reading “How to get Azure Data Factory connecting to your data on a VNet (or internal network)”

How to connect to an AD Domain Secured SQL Server from a non-domain PC

The following are instructions for setting up a connection to an Active Directory (AD) Domain secured SQL Server using either SQL Server Management Studio or Visual Studio. This is especially applicable when not using a domain attached PC.

Step-by-step guide

Continue reading “How to connect to an AD Domain Secured SQL Server from a non-domain PC”

Location of your SQL Templates and how to take them with you

If you have started to create a good collection of you own SQL Templates and snippets, then you may want to copy or share them from PC to PC or from user account to user account.

You will find your personal templates here Continue reading “Location of your SQL Templates and how to take them with you”

Creating developer certificates and starting Angular 4 for SSL on Windows

If you’re a developer on Windows or a.Net developer getting to grips with Angular the steps outlined will create the various certificates and get local Angular 4 running under SSL.

The main steps are as follows and you will need to have installed makecert.exe and openSSL. For us Windows users the easiest way to get OpenSSL is to use one of the binaries installer listed hereĀ https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Binaries Continue reading “Creating developer certificates and starting Angular 4 for SSL on Windows”