I have found that the session hosts often end up reporting a status of ‘Needs Assistance’. This can be caused by updates having been applied that require a reboot to complete…and other unknown issues. Often a reboot will sort them out. So I developed a simple script to assist.
The following script will allow you to specifiy the only the VM’s in a Host Pool and only those that ‘Need Assistance’ and that have no active sessions on too….or not!
Save the full script to a file called RebootHosts.ps1
.GUID b053571a-b9f4-445d-ac05-45e184cf6f90
.AUTHOR Nicholas Rogoff
Reboots VMs in a HostPool
This will iterate through the VMs registered to a host pool and reboot them.
Version: 1.0
Author: Nicholas Rogoff
Creation Date: 2020-09-03
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
.\RebootHosts.ps1 -HostPoolName "my-host-pool" -HostPoolResourceGroupName "my-host-pool-rg" -OnlyDoIfNeedsAssistance -SkipIfActiveSessions
#---------------------------------------------------------[Script Parameters]------------------------------------------------------
Param (
#Script parameters go here
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
#Set Error Action to Silently Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
#Any Global Declarations go here
Write-Output "Starting to Enable Boot Diagnostics for VMs in Host Pool $HostPoolName ..."
if ($OnlyDoIfNeedsAttention) {
Write-Output "!! Only hosts flagged as 'Needs Assistance' will be rebooted !!"
if ($SkipIfActiveSessions) {
Write-Output "!! Only hosts with zero sessions will be rebooted !!"
$rebooted = 0
$skippedSessions = 0
$skippedOK = 0
$shutdown = 0
$sessionHosts = Get-AzWvdSessionHost -ResourceGroupName $HostPoolResourceGroupName -HostPoolName $HostPoolName
foreach ($sh in $sessionHosts) {
# Name is in the format 'host-pool-name/vmname.domainfqdn' so need to split the last part
$VMName = $sh.Name.Split("/")[1]
$VMName = $VMName.Split(".")[0]
$Session = $sh.Session
$Status = $sh.Status
$UpdateState = $sh.UpdateState
$UpdateErrorMessage = $sh.UpdateErrorMessage
Write-output "=== Starting Reboot for VM: $VMName"
Write-output "Session: $Session"
Write-output "Status: $Status"
Write-output "UpdateState: $UpdateState"
Write-output "UpdateErrorMessage: $UpdateErrorMessage"
if ($Status -ne "Unavailable") {
if ($Status -ne "NeedsAssistance" -and $OnlyDoIfNeedsAssistance ) {
$skippedOK += 1
Write-output "!! The VM '$VMName' is not in 'Needs Assistance' state, so will NOT be rebooted. !!"
elseif ($SkipIfActiveSessions -and $Session -gt 0) {
$skippeSessions += 1
Write-output "!! The VM '$VMName' has $Session session(s), so will NOT be rebooted. !!"
else {
$rebooted += 1
Restart-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $HostPoolResourceGroupName -Name $VMName
Write-output "=== Reboot initiated for VM: $VMName"
else {
$shutdown += 1
Write-output "!! The VM '$VMName' must be started in order to reboot it. !!"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "============== Completed =========================="
Write-Output "Skipped due Not needing attention: $skippedOK"
Write-Output "Skipped due to active sessions: $skippedSessions"
Write-Output "Host not started: $shutdown"
Write-Output "Rebooted: $rebooted"
Write-Output "==================================================="
You will need to log in to Azure and select your subscription in the normal way using:
Select-AzSubscription "my-subscription"
You can then simply run the script as follows:
.\RebootHosts.ps1 -HostPoolName "my-host-pool" -HostPoolResourceGroupName "my-host-pool-rg" -OnlyDoIfNeedsAssistance -SkipIfActiveSessions
One thought on “Reboot all the VM’s in a Windows Virtual Desktop Host Pool…safely ;-)”